Catholic French Immersion in Etobicoke

Catholic French Immersion in Etobicoke

As real estate agents who know a whole lot about schools, our Catholic clients ask us about French Immersion programs in Etobicoke at times. Our clients feel that French Immersion schools provide a “better education”, based on EQAO stats through recent years. However, in our opinion, this only seems to be true for public French Immersion in Oakville, Vaughan, Richmond Hill, and Markham. Catholic French Immersion learning seems to be generally equal to regular-track learning in all of our service areas on this website. We do not rank Catholic French Immersion schools in Etobicoke.

For public schools, Etobicoke generally has French Immersion (FI) elementary schools that rank average compared to the rest of the schools in Ontario (comparing EQAO pass-rates). For the public school French Immersion program in Etobicoke, go here.

Etobicoke Catholic French Immersion

Should I put my own child into Catholic French Immersion?

Naturally, this is a personal choice. Perhaps this article and this article can help you with your decision.

Where can I find information on Catholic French Immersion in Etobicoke?

Here’s a bit…

In Etobicoke, Catholic French Immersion starts in Junior Kindergarten. In JK, the learning is 100% in French until Grade 3, and only at that point is English learning gradually introduced. The amount of English learning then gradually increases until Grade 5, when the learning in each language becomes 50/50 (50% learning in English, 50% learning in French). This model goes on until Grade 8, and then the program is continued at select Catholic secondary schools in Etobicoke.
Getting into the French Immersion program at the kindergarten level in Etobicoke is a little difficult. Because of the popularity of the program, the application process begins at 8am at a select date in either January or February (it’s different for each school). At that time, you keep dialing until you get through – it’s like calling for concert tickets. But once you get through, you’re basically “in” the program, if space is still available by the time you actually get through.

For a fuller breakdown of the Catholic French Immersion program in Etobicoke, please visit the Toronto Catholic Schools Board’s FI web-page HERE.

What areas do you have Catholic regular-track CAP Rankings for?

On this website, we have school rankings for:
Mississauga and Brampton
OakvilleBurlingtonMiltonGeorgetown and Hamilton
VaughanMarkham, and Richmond Hill

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