Best Catholic Schools in Georgetown

*NEW* SEARCH the latest listings in Georgetown’s top Catholic school districts.

Best Catholic Schools in Georgetown

*NEW* SEARCH the latest listings in Georgetown’s top Catholic school districts.

The SusiHomes CAP Rankings is the most reliable guide to help determine the best Catholic schools in Georgetown, in our informed opinion. SEARCH BELOW for homes in Blue Cap or Green Cap Catholic schools districts.

Georgetown generally has elementary Catholic schools that rank above-average compared to the rest of the schools in Ontario (comparing EQAO pass-rates). There are 5 elementary Catholic schools in the Georgetown area, and all of them begin in Junior Kindergarten and go all the way up to Grade 8. (For public schools, go here.)

Best Schools in Oakville
St. Wood, one of the best Catholic schools in Georgetown

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Search Blue Cap schools



no more Blue Caps

that clients search in

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Search Green Cap schools

holy cross


St Joseph


St Catherine of Alexandria


no more Green Caps

that clients search in

What are the Georgetown Catholic School Rankings?

The Georgetown Catholic school rankings below employ the DECS ranking method using seven years of data, combining Demographics, EQAO test scores, Consistency, plus the Support teachers receive to determine if the school is performing above or below expectations. We use these rankings to help us determine our recommendations for the best Catholic schools in Georgetown. For more on the rankings, see here.



#1Holy Cross2.86
#2St. Joseph (ACTON)2.83
#3St. Catherine of Alexandria2.84
#4St. Francis of Assisi2.80
#5St. Brigid2.77

The above rankings are determined by EQAO scores, consistency, and how performance fares against the expected performance, given the district’s demographics. CAP colours are assigned by the team at SusiHomes, based on their recommendations.

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Are the Best Catholic Schools in Georgetown really “the best”?

What makes the best Catholic schools in Georgetown “the best”? Since nobody can attend all the schools simultaneously, nobody knows, for sure, what elementary schools are “the best Catholic schools in Georgetown”. However, there are a number of factors (including the SusiHomes school ranking) that can help give us an idea of what Catholic schools are more likely to be better than the others. Hence, the BLUE CAP schools, and the GREEN CAP schools.

What are the best French Immersion Catholic schools in Georgetown?

The best French Immersion Catholic schools in Georgetown are determined by the last seven years of available EQAO scores, weighted for recency. To find out more about Catholic French Immersion in Georgetown, please visit this page.

What are the best Catholic high schools in Georgetown?

The best Catholic high schools in Georgetown are determined by the last seven years of available EQAO scores, weighted for recency. To find out more about Catholic high schools in Georgetown, please visit this page.

What other areas do you have Catholic CAP Rankings for?

On this website, we have school rankings for:
Mississauga and Brampton
OakvilleBurlingtonMiltonGeorgetown and Hamilton
VaughanMarkham, and Richmond Hill


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