Best Catholic High Schools in Georgetown

*NEW* search the latest listings in Georgetown’s top Catholic high school districts.

Best Catholic High Schools in Georgetown

*NEW* search the latest listings in Georgetown’s top Catholic high school districts.

The SusiHomes CAP Rankings is the most reliable guide to help determine the best Catholic high schools in Georgetown, in our informed opinion. SEARCH BELOW for homes in Blue Cap or Green Cap Catholic high school districts.

Georgetown has a Catholic high school that ranks above-average compared to the rest of the schools in Ontario (comparing EQAO test scores). There is only one Catholic high school in Georgetown. (For public high schools, go here.)

Christ the King SS, the only Catholic high school in Georgetown

Blue Cap high schools

Blue Cap high schools



Green Cap high schools

Green Cap high schools

christ the king


What are the Georgetown High School Rankings?

The Georgetown high school rankings are below. They are computed using seven years of EQAO data, weighted for recency. We use these rankings to help us determine our recommendations for the best high schools in Georgetown.
NOTE: All high school rankings, wherever you see them (ours and the Fraser rankings alike), should be taken with a grain of salt. They are only based upon EQAO scores, and these scores are only based on Grade 9 Math and Grade 10 English – that’s it. No other subjects or grades. We feel that clubs and programs a high school offers are just as important to a teen’s development and growth, and should be taken into high consideration.



RankSchool7-Year EQAO
(Ont. avg. = 1.000)
#1Christ the King1.082

The above rankings are determined by EQAO scores only. CAP colours are assigned by the team at SusiHomes, based on their score compared to the Ontario average (1.000). Above 1.100 is a Blue Cap. Between 1.025 and 1.100 is a Green Cap..

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Are the Best High Schools in Georgetown really “the best”?

Yes. There is only one Catholic high school in Georgetown. However, the clubs and programs a high school offers are probably just as important to the development of teenagers, and thus a high school is much more of an individual choice than an elementary school.

What other areas do you have High School CAP Rankings for?

On this website, we have high school rankings for:
Mississauga and Brampton
OakvilleBurlingtonMiltonGeorgetown and Hamilton
VaughanMarkham, and Richmond Hill

What areas do you have elementary school CAP Rankings for?

On this website, we have elementary school rankings for:
Mississauga and Brampton
OakvilleBurlingtonMiltonGeorgetown and Hamilton
VaughanMarkham, and Richmond Hill


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