Best French Immersion Schools in Richmond Hill

Best French Immersion Schools in Richmond Hill

As real estate agents who know a whole lot about schools, our clients ask us about French Immersion programs in Richmond Hill quite frequently. Our clients feel that French Immersion schools provide a “better education”, based on EQAO stats through recent years. However, in our service area, French Immersion EQAO scores outperform regular-track EQAO scores only in Oakville, Vaughan, Richmond Hill, and Markham. They are generally equal in all other service areas on this website.

Richmond Hill generally has French Immersion (FI) elementary schools that rank above-average compared to the rest of the schools in Ontario (comparing EQAO pass-rates). (For the Catholic school French Immersion program, go here.)

Richmond Hill French Immersion

How are the Richmond Hill French Immersion rankings determined?

Seven years of EQAO data is recorded and averaged out, weighted for recency. The final score represents the average level (out of 4) that the students at each school have collectively achieved in recent years. Unlike the regular Richmond Hill CAP rankings, Richmond Hill French Immersion rankings use seven years of EQAO test results only, employing no other factors.



#1Beynon Fields3.23
#2Doncrest/Adrienne Clarkson3.20
#3Michaelle Jean/Beverly Acres3.18
#4Windham Ridge3.13

In Richmond Hill, there are 4 public French Immersion school districts that we recommend.

The above rankings are determined by EQAO scores only.

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How do I search for homes in the best French Immersion schools in Richmond Hill?

Homes in the best French Immersion school districts in Richmond Hill can be searched by all clients of SusiHomes. Your own Realtor can set this up for you, too, if they know how. And if you’re not quite sure, at this moment, if you’d like to put your child into a French Immersion program, Realtors are able to set up a search in neighbourhoods where children can attend EITHER a recommended regular-track school OR a recommended French Immersion school. Those areas exist in Richmond Hill!

Should I put my own child into French Immersion?

Naturally, this is a personal choice. Perhaps this article and this article can help you with your decision.

Where can I find information on French Immersion in Richmond Hill?

Here’s some…

In Richmond Hill, French Immersion starts in Grade 1. For Grades 1, 2 and 3, the children will spend their entire school day learning all subjects in French and NONE learning in English. Beginning in Grade 4, English-learning is re-introduced and the learning is 50/50 until Grade 8 (50% learning in English, 50% learning in French). The program is then continued at select secondary schools.
Getting into the French Immersion program at the Grade One level in Richmond Hill is automatic IF you apply by the deadline, but if the school/grade is at capacity, your children may have to attend another school until spots free up. If you apply PAST the deadline, please call the school itself.
The registration deadline for French Immersion (for September placement) is usually in early February.

For a fuller breakdown of the French Immersion program in Richmond Hill, please visit the York Region Board’s FI web-page HERE.

What areas do you have regular-track CAP Rankings for?

On this website, we have school rankings for:
Mississauga and Brampton
OakvilleBurlingtonMiltonGeorgetown and Hamilton
Etobicoke and the West End/High Park area
VaughanMarkham, and Richmond Hill

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